"What a figure, Diana", i silently talk to myself as i saw my figure in the mirror.
Then, i called him :-
"sayang, i ade problem, laaaa"
..dgn suara bgn tido, "prob ape yaannggggg"
"i td tgk myself kat cermin, n i think im gaining so much of weight!!!!"
synical laughed he reply "apa lagi niee.. gemuk sket ape salah nyerr"
"gemuk pon u sayang i kaaannn???"
"ye sayangggg"
He's right! Kat UITM, u diet laa puas puas.. bgus idea u tue..
BTW, aku td online and i saw this lavish Gucci Handbag and i adore it..
Kalaulah ayah aku tycoon kann bessssttt if cam Bill Gates tue ker kann...
For sure harta kat aku jer..
Paris Hilton Malaysia la aku jawabnyeee, kaaannn!!
Haihhh wat a pathetic fantasy..!!
p/s : ILY!
Jun 30, 2008
Jun 29, 2008
Pervert Horny
Glory to Espana! I dunno wat has gotten into me, but i was so terrified about last night's match. I slept off at 12 something and my sweet handsome alarm woke me up. Thanks, baby! Ok, it was worth woking up with taik mata bersepat kat mata pulakk kaann.. With the fresh from the bed look, i click the standby button and watched it with daddy. Dad was like 50-50 nak tgk ke tak, but i forced him to watch since we both support Spain for this match. I supported them coz Fabregas n Cassillas. OMFL, they are soo freeging hott babebyh! How i wish Malaysia has these kinda look. *pat*.
I did not sleep after the match untill now. Why? Yerp, Subuh phone calls annoyed me (tipu je. hehe). Then followed daddy to pay fees and he sent me to mum's office. Drop Dead Bored i am telling u now. Thank goodness laptop and broadband is my other half and certainly i can't leave without em. Dimana saja anda boleh online dgn broadband. hehe. Reason i went to mum's office? To get my hair done!! Yipppiee!! Syafiq said my hair is all over the place and my layer look undefined. Honest comment. Rite, watever! :) I can't wait to go to the sallon. Just have to wait 4 two hours time. My hairstylist, Carlos, he's a malay and nape ntah gedik nak nama carlos bagai kan he noes wat goes well with me and he massaged me reeeaaaaallll gooood. I get turn on sometimes by his massage. hehe. Wat a vibe touch.. But, dude he's married! So not me!
Gosh, i need a crazy unhealthy diet plan. im gaining so much of weight! Unhealthy is fast, i suggest!!
I did not sleep after the match untill now. Why? Yerp, Subuh phone calls annoyed me (tipu je. hehe). Then followed daddy to pay fees and he sent me to mum's office. Drop Dead Bored i am telling u now. Thank goodness laptop and broadband is my other half and certainly i can't leave without em. Dimana saja anda boleh online dgn broadband. hehe. Reason i went to mum's office? To get my hair done!! Yipppiee!! Syafiq said my hair is all over the place and my layer look undefined. Honest comment. Rite, watever! :) I can't wait to go to the sallon. Just have to wait 4 two hours time. My hairstylist, Carlos, he's a malay and nape ntah gedik nak nama carlos bagai kan he noes wat goes well with me and he massaged me reeeaaaaallll gooood. I get turn on sometimes by his massage. hehe. Wat a vibe touch.. But, dude he's married! So not me!
Gosh, i need a crazy unhealthy diet plan. im gaining so much of weight! Unhealthy is fast, i suggest!!
I love u
Honestly, i am happy finally. I get to settle my life in a happy way. I mean, perfect parents, forever with me friends and FINALLY my long time beau. I mean they made me feels merrier by days and i really apprecite the sweet messages and long phone calls by u. This is wat i've been missing for the past 6 months baby. I miss getting a late night so called good night call when actually it's already 6 in the morning, i miss getting the 'i love you,b' messages from u, i miss getting the warming hug and tranquil kisses, i miss seeing ur sweet faces made by u. But, it was all the past. Now, i am getting it all from u. Just u sayang. No one else.
I noe, i had u once, and i don't appreciate a treasure that HE gave me. I made u live in ignorance, and that make u feel unappreciated by me. I am sorry. Now, as days passes and makes me even more matured and adult enough, now i am realising how important u are to me. U make me happy all the time and i don realised it then. Now, i am trying my hard to give u the best from me. Don't ask me for more baby. I just need to give u my faith and trust that worth a few zillions. Annndddd that, i need ur trust and ur faith too. Please don't doubt me. I noe i am acting silly at times, but as my guardian angel u need to guide me. HEHE.
I love u baby! Yes, i do.. Don't leave me..Coz we were great! Even on ____. U noe wat i wanna say. :)
I noe, i had u once, and i don't appreciate a treasure that HE gave me. I made u live in ignorance, and that make u feel unappreciated by me. I am sorry. Now, as days passes and makes me even more matured and adult enough, now i am realising how important u are to me. U make me happy all the time and i don realised it then. Now, i am trying my hard to give u the best from me. Don't ask me for more baby. I just need to give u my faith and trust that worth a few zillions. Annndddd that, i need ur trust and ur faith too. Please don't doubt me. I noe i am acting silly at times, but as my guardian angel u need to guide me. HEHE.
I love u baby! Yes, i do.. Don't leave me..Coz we were great! Even on ____. U noe wat i wanna say. :)
Jun 28, 2008
Spending all the money on me
Has been a routine fer me and mum. That is, every Saturday we will go shopping and spend like a rich madam. Konon je lah. Today, went to Gardens with mummy cos' she wanted to buy Coach's handbag. We surveyed at Coach and she adored this handbag and she bought it. It is so gorgeous and sexy. I get so jealous but it's ok i will get one coach's bag by 6 months time. Hehe. Original punyer la babe. Tak main lah bandung marii! Hahaha. Since dad's birthday is in 2 weeks time, mum bought him a Tissot's watch and Fossil's leather wallet which cause her nearly few thousands. Gosh, mummy do u have any sugar daddy?? ahaha. Mum bought fer me handbag and perfume, again!
Then, daddy called and asked us to come home early coz he wants to bring us somewhere it seems, but actually he conned us. He was bored alone at home the truth is. At home, daddy was excited to get his multi presents and right after that, he bought mummy a handphone. Nokia. i dunno what model is that. Again, i was jelous. But whatever they both deserves their own gifts.
I was damn tired. Lutut cam nak patah pulakk! Bored, i packed my stuff since my class will be starting this 4th July.
Sometimes things are better left unsaid.
Then, daddy called and asked us to come home early coz he wants to bring us somewhere it seems, but actually he conned us. He was bored alone at home the truth is. At home, daddy was excited to get his multi presents and right after that, he bought mummy a handphone. Nokia. i dunno what model is that. Again, i was jelous. But whatever they both deserves their own gifts.
I was damn tired. Lutut cam nak patah pulakk! Bored, i packed my stuff since my class will be starting this 4th July.
Sometimes things are better left unsaid.
Jun 25, 2008
Semester 2
Finally i get to watch 'Made Of Honor' yesterday at Pavillion with my someday to be Made of Honor si Badak. Hahahaha. It was so funny and i dont understand why i thought it was sad. Abnormal sangat! But, Patrick Dempsey is soo GORGEOUS! he is my man! Whatever, perasan shit. I had fun yesterday, thanks!
Semester 2 is coming next week. And i cant wait fer it to come. I miss my friends a lot and i need them so much. i just soo need them. I am so excited till i bought few new baju kurung for my classes. I cant be wearing the same baju every sem. What the hell? OK, whatever.
Since sem 2 is starrting in less a week, and results are like shit i promise i wont be enjoying my 'student life' drastically. And i promise not to hang out too much when there's no classes or at my free time. I hope so. hehe. and also i promise not to have late dinner since it will stuck at my waist and tummy area and made me look like a fat ass humpty dumpty. No more late to classes and be more responsible and organise. Shit. No more 'last minute issues' and 'tertinggal issues'.
I am soo looking forward for semester 2 as it will make me a senior haha and new killing assignments. Uitm melaka, im coming to yea!
p/s : to my fellow uitm's, I miss cracking yea head!
Semester 2 is coming next week. And i cant wait fer it to come. I miss my friends a lot and i need them so much. i just soo need them. I am so excited till i bought few new baju kurung for my classes. I cant be wearing the same baju every sem. What the hell? OK, whatever.
Since sem 2 is starrting in less a week, and results are like shit i promise i wont be enjoying my 'student life' drastically. And i promise not to hang out too much when there's no classes or at my free time. I hope so. hehe. and also i promise not to have late dinner since it will stuck at my waist and tummy area and made me look like a fat ass humpty dumpty. No more late to classes and be more responsible and organise. Shit. No more 'last minute issues' and 'tertinggal issues'.
I am soo looking forward for semester 2 as it will make me a senior haha and new killing assignments. Uitm melaka, im coming to yea!
p/s : to my fellow uitm's, I miss cracking yea head!
Jun 16, 2008
lifeless fivesome
woke up real early to go to sheeda's place cos we planned to hit the movie at 12.30pm. But end up we made our move at 2.00pm. why? oo just because we wanna save money and waited fer her mum to bring some food for our lunch. hehehe. gile budget kitorg. after lunch, shheda's mum send us to the station and we reached Pyramid at 2.30pm. There, i called my fren (Wildan) and my cousin (Boboy), along his girlfriend. i wanted to watch Maid of Honor but its only will be in theathre on the 19th. So, we watched 'The Happening" at 5.00pm. As wat i could say the movie sucks because i can't slightly understand what was the conclusion. Before movie, i was stuck at snooker coz boboy n wildan wnted to show their talent in snooker. wtv, guyss! haha. Then i tried playing Archery. N guess whattt is freeeking hard okengg. And they kept on laughing at me coz i didn't get to hit the target but the sand. Fuck! hahaha. The archery thing is damn heavy fer me. So the so-call-insrtuctor changed it to the kanak-kanak punya he gave me the small arrow. Hina doe aku rasa. It's better than the adult ones la tapi.
I reached home at 8 something and i was really tired. But, daddy asked me to accompany him to the mamak n i had to go to the mamak with my panda eyes, boxer short and BANDUNG t shirt. gile selekeh cam jinjang. But who cares it's just mamak depan umah jer kott. My fren asked me to online but i refused coz i am tired, really. Once at home i slept off less in 5 seconds. ZZZZZZ.
Good night!
*Thanx dot, i had fun!
I reached home at 8 something and i was really tired. But, daddy asked me to accompany him to the mamak n i had to go to the mamak with my panda eyes, boxer short and BANDUNG t shirt. gile selekeh cam jinjang. But who cares it's just mamak depan umah jer kott. My fren asked me to online but i refused coz i am tired, really. Once at home i slept off less in 5 seconds. ZZZZZZ.
Good night!
*Thanx dot, i had fun!
Jun 13, 2008
Movie marathon
yesterday was the whole movie marathon for me! i watched movie at the cinema one after another. OK, i wasnt planned to watch 2 movies in one day. bUT, blame the boredom that circulates in me. First, i watched the incredible hulk. Well i would sya i prefer trhe first one than the latest. Yea, its full of actions but i does not like the ending of the story. Because, im sure there will be the 3rd hulk. *sigh*. When i was watching the movie, there were this couple were making out beside me. I was like "dude, wtf?? go get a motel". They distracts me with the vulgar sound. Grrrr!! Bear with the distraction, i miss the ending of the movie. Fuck u horny couple!
Then again, i was still bored and acted like a sore loser, i watched another movie. And its Kungfu Panda. Fren told me to watch kat cinema coz its worth it paying RM8.00 fer that movie. So, yeah i watched it. N i laugh my tears out n my tummy ache coz of the nerves pulling. hehehe. i love PO!! i enjoyed watching that movie, thank goodness i didnt hear any smooching sounds. hehe. Excep fer the babies noise. Mind them, they are just baby. As i get out from the mall, i saw my schoolmate who is younger than me fer a year. N i was jumping in shocked to see how she turned into a size 24 from size 2! My goodnessss!!!
And, finally i don understand guys. They give u false hopes every now and then. They were there fer u at first and they left u deadless at the end of it. Wtf??? At one moment u tought he will be 'Ur person" and that is the moment where u feel he is such a manwhore! Right?
i would say, being single is bored, but at the same time u feel good witout being cheated.
Then again, i was still bored and acted like a sore loser, i watched another movie. And its Kungfu Panda. Fren told me to watch kat cinema coz its worth it paying RM8.00 fer that movie. So, yeah i watched it. N i laugh my tears out n my tummy ache coz of the nerves pulling. hehehe. i love PO!! i enjoyed watching that movie, thank goodness i didnt hear any smooching sounds. hehe. Excep fer the babies noise. Mind them, they are just baby. As i get out from the mall, i saw my schoolmate who is younger than me fer a year. N i was jumping in shocked to see how she turned into a size 24 from size 2! My goodnessss!!!
And, finally i don understand guys. They give u false hopes every now and then. They were there fer u at first and they left u deadless at the end of it. Wtf??? At one moment u tought he will be 'Ur person" and that is the moment where u feel he is such a manwhore! Right?
i would say, being single is bored, but at the same time u feel good witout being cheated.
Jun 8, 2008
summer splash
OMFG! wat is happening nowadays? I went to Pyramid last Saturday, to shop, not to ushaing bikini's chicks with 0 body! OK, summer splash were going on the same day n i wasnt intersted to get in since there's a lot of peeps queing like some protest were going on.. baik aku makan, senang lenang kat dalam, menghabiskan duit. well, i heard it was boring and yeah i can see that. uncountable LOA teens couldnt get in and they walk around in pyramid with their bikini. Dude, i CANT stand looking at their selulites, parut, flabs and belly juggling up n down. N, n they were all with their hat n shade IN PYRAMID. wtff?? pikir DIVA laa?? ahaha LOSERS CAN GO FUCK URSELF! n i was surrounded with school kids who thinks their BIG enough to look at me one kind.
Jun 6, 2008
Car n Cart
Good afterning!
i woke up kinda late today! n suddenly i felt like writing something. i woke up and i dont know what has gotten into me, but i am sooo HAPPY! (yeahh, baby SCREAMM HAPPY). is it because i had a nice comfortable sleep, or i had a good dream or maybe i get kisses from mum n dad before they left for work? *thinking* no idea! Well maybe i was listening to my MP3 while i doze off.? I woke up smiling and looked at my phone and it was dead. Grrrr! no wonder i woke up late, without any calls from my parents or my friends or my ex-es. But it doesnt spoiled my mood from my "happy-sleep". So, i continued sleeping.
OK, i am fully charged up as i took my shower n had my cereal! friend called me and asked me out to Subang and have Manhattan Fish Market at Suband Parade. I said OK and planned to go out at 3.00pm. But, i forgot that i have this ballistic transportation problem. GOSH!! i called my dad and he was out fer work in KLIA. i called my cousin, but he was so busy with his beau. It's hard to ask for help frm someone who have car now, n thanks to d petrol's price rising! U make me like hell. So, i decided to stay at home and watch Casino Royale n texting! Fucking Loser! Go fly kite!
Suprise! Suprise! I cooked today! (dah bole jd menantu dah niee) i cooked broccoli and sambal. And it taste like HEAVEN!, tats wat i thought! Dad will surely proud of me, kan? i turned into a good child suddenly. I cooked, and i clean up my room and the living. So i guess i don need to waste money fer tiring gym and forcing work outs. Housechores has made me sweat like a 2 hours of running non stop. Btw, i missed my friend so much! And, i have tons of invitation to Summer Spash tomorrow. But, i don think im going. ttys!
*Single is Fun*
i woke up kinda late today! n suddenly i felt like writing something. i woke up and i dont know what has gotten into me, but i am sooo HAPPY! (yeahh, baby SCREAMM HAPPY). is it because i had a nice comfortable sleep, or i had a good dream or maybe i get kisses from mum n dad before they left for work? *thinking* no idea! Well maybe i was listening to my MP3 while i doze off.? I woke up smiling and looked at my phone and it was dead. Grrrr! no wonder i woke up late, without any calls from my parents or my friends or my ex-es. But it doesnt spoiled my mood from my "happy-sleep". So, i continued sleeping.
OK, i am fully charged up as i took my shower n had my cereal! friend called me and asked me out to Subang and have Manhattan Fish Market at Suband Parade. I said OK and planned to go out at 3.00pm. But, i forgot that i have this ballistic transportation problem. GOSH!! i called my dad and he was out fer work in KLIA. i called my cousin, but he was so busy with his beau. It's hard to ask for help frm someone who have car now, n thanks to d petrol's price rising! U make me like hell. So, i decided to stay at home and watch Casino Royale n texting! Fucking Loser! Go fly kite!
Suprise! Suprise! I cooked today! (dah bole jd menantu dah niee) i cooked broccoli and sambal. And it taste like HEAVEN!, tats wat i thought! Dad will surely proud of me, kan? i turned into a good child suddenly. I cooked, and i clean up my room and the living. So i guess i don need to waste money fer tiring gym and forcing work outs. Housechores has made me sweat like a 2 hours of running non stop. Btw, i missed my friend so much! And, i have tons of invitation to Summer Spash tomorrow. But, i don think im going. ttys!
*Single is Fun*
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