Dec 8, 2008

Happy birthday.

I was lying on my clothes-all-over bed, as usual cant let go of my MP4. My mind was wandered at some place that I dont know, and suddenly, I feel like I want to write about something that were in my head at that moment. But, as soon as my laptop was on, and connected to the world of net, I was blanked blackout like having a killer massive hangover. So, i logged in to the world of lame myspace, and the boring facebook and started looking at my dearie Hani out of world pictures. Haha. Actually this is not what I want to blog about, but something that touches me just now. Urghhhhh. Babi punyee memory. Senang sangat lupa laaa. takpe lah, nnt aku igt aku update la lagi. Bye.

And to my deeeaaariee Mummy, HAPPY 45th BIRTHDAY, MA. I LOVE YOU, DEARIE!

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