Aug 26, 2008

She come, she go

I was shocked the hell of my heart when sheeda called me and said that Eka's mum passed away! i got really shocked. when she called me, i was sleeping that time at 4.00pm. As i heard the news, i showered and ask daddy to send me to eka's place. As i entered her house, my heart was stumbled as i saw her crying. It gets harder when she hugs me while crying her hearts out. i recited yassin for her mum again and again. I felt her sadness and i felt her lost of her bestfriend and her queen of her heart. Now, i still cant believe that her mum has gone forever. It was sudden and does not show any signals. As far as i noe Aunty Lina, she was a cheerful person and respectful and hardworling too. She wants the best from her family and she did her part as a good mother and wife too.


**to dearie Eka, be strong. I am here all the time with u.


1 comment:

EKA NAZHWA said...

thank you didie. :,) thank you for coming as well. thank you for always asking how am i doing. thank you, thank you for everything. <3