Jul 8, 2008

Who Are You?

Monday was hectic. Imagine lah kan, my class is from 2.30PM right up till 10pm. Grrr. Classes was fine except for my BEL260 lecturer. He's old and fugly and he blabs a lot. Like A LOTT!!! He boasted about how English is so important in his family. He was like "My whole family watched only news and movies in English". I was like errr what the fuck??? Do we ask? No, grandpa! I was so freeging hungry and he still have lots of time to tell something that i don't even care! After class me and some frends went for our makan and i am craving for 'burger Dadah". Unfortunately, Burger Dadah dah habis dah. So i had Fun Fries. Dalam bilik, memekak with roomates, bergayut ngan boyfriend and tido!!!

Today's (Tuesday) class is at 11.30am. Me and few gf's were late and that old fart, (yes, we gonna survive with him three days in a row!) He complained about how he doesnt wan to get blame by his students stupidity in signing student's attendance. Lame gilerrr, kann? And he calls Sue stupid and dumb just because a tiny mistake. Giler ah. Sebab budak tue salah tulis jer kottt! After classes, i went to Pasar Malam or Pasar Gesel called by Madam Raha, and ate burger and choc shake. Called boyfriend and he was sooo busy with my cousin for snooker. Grrrrr!! Fine lah, go shake that snooker balls. :( I've been left out by him today. Gile sedih u olz. Anyways, its kinda windy and gloomy here. And i feel like sleeping. So, take care!

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