Dec 4, 2008


I am happy. And when I'm happy, I tend to get verrrrry verrrrrrrrrrrrrry lazy. And when I'm happy and lazy I stink myself, eat junk foods and snacks, and since dad bought me a Sony Mp4, all i was doing was lazing around ARES and LIMEWIRE and downloaded songs. Anddddd thats were the reasons why I dont blog frequently anymore. I'm not saying that I'm not happy before since I posted 2 - 3 posts a day, it's just that, not as happy as I am now.

Life is getting better and happier by days, and hopefully it will shine till I'm bored of 'happy mood' and make way for 'stress and gloomy mood', which I don't think that it will get to cross my path of life. Fuck you, STRESS!

Oh yeah, I have a boyfriend. Remember? Blame him for turning me into a lazy bump. Blame him for making me fat, cuz I munched on junk foods and snacks to standardize it with my mood. He made me become a sweet tooth and I might spoil my teeths for repeating the sweeeet words from him. Jahat la baby. Hehehehe.

As far as I remember, I love him. I'm not saying this for the sake of saying it for making him happy or making myself better. I'm saying it from the heart until it blurts out from my mouth. And if u people still remember, I used to think negatively towards him, and I don't trust him before. Remember? Well, i guess not anymore. It's just a tiny little dirty voices that wont come between us to break it or to crush it. I can't say anything anymore because words just can't describe me and my feeling. Let it be, and let him judge me n my feeling.

I love him.

**Went for a date with him to KLCC and embarassment conquers me. Heels boleh pulak patah and tercabut kat entrance KLCC. BAABBBIII and sumpahhhh malu OKKKKK?? So, he had to be my life saviour and bought me a gorgeous heelllsssss. Good taste, honey! Love u more for that.

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