Nov 13, 2008

bye2 2006, hello 2008

Millions of shits happens on November. Like?? Got drunk few times, yes, few times, not once. Drunk 2 times in a week, is not very pleasant. Coz when it happen, i tend to cry for shits and anger controlled me. I tend to hurt ppl's feeling and make my bf (THEN) worried. I am sincerely telling u this that i am starting to hate alcohol. Cause of alcohol,it made me end my nearly 3 years of relationship over 4 hours of drinking session with friends, at the beach. I am sad and I am regretting on that particular day. I dont know that it will bring such impact on me and my ex-spouse. I wasnt thinking well, when i did it, and, when i told him that i was drunk last night and hangover today morning. fuckss. Now, things has changed. I hope this time with 'someone' is for real and i hope that we both are not faking it. No more lies, no more drama, no more pain. But, to tell u, honestly, i am missing the moments i had with you. But, been there done that. Good things are not forever, bad things will not gonna last longer. Let this year past slow, cant wait for the totally new me on December right up to 2009. btw, i cut my hair short just for a change. New hair, new life. Bye2 2006. Hello NOvember 2008.

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