Nov 18, 2008

Bonnie & Clyde

For all i am living now, i live in insecurity with my relationship. It must be weird for a girlfriend to have such thinking towards her boyfriend. Well that is the weird part of me as a girl. Because I will never trust any of the guys that I had dated or I am dating now. Never trust boys, it seems. I heard lots of bad stuff about him before we even dating. Before I even know him. And the day I met him we went to some club I was thinking that this guy has lots of girls to maintain. And there's this part where I think I felt appreciated was when he took a really good care of me. I cried, I mumbled, I was out of control, but he was just there, accepting it, patiently.

Then, we were great after the hangover night. We talked, we hanged out, and we text. We were just so great. At first, I wasn't thinking that, that was for real. Maybe he just make me as his fling. But as days goes by, I have this feeling that he has this hots for me. This feeling that I know and I can feel. Although he may be some guys that gilrs dont wanna take as her bf kinda behavior, but i can feel that he is different to me. The way he treated me, its just so sweet and I am loving it. I know that I am special to him. He did not hide anything from me. Before I heard some shits from others, he told me shits that he had done with everything. Thank god that Im not a judmental person.

Now, as we are dating, I realise that no matter how he is, I just love him. He make me happy and he stands for me. He is being a patient guy with me. I may be suck as a girlfriend, and pest, but he just take it and accept me. I hope this is forever. I dont care what people wanna say, just fuck their balls. He is my man, and nobody can say anything. All i hope was to be happy, again. Happy with the relationship, and happy with everything. Its still too early to say that he is FOREVER because we are still a seed. It takes time for a flower to bloom. With enough soil, sun, and water, the flower will bloom, beautifully for the rest of its time. I LOVE YOU, BABY.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

muhsin2!!!! baca!!!!!!