Oct 1, 2008

Easy or Hard??

Have u ever tought of getting back to where you were? At this point, i really reeally feel of going back to where I was. Not most of the time, but sometimes. It suddenly popped out from my brain, and my heart feels that I've been making a wrong decision of choosing 'this' as my lifetime. But, im scared if what I've been doing now is just a waste of time. And what I choose as a 'new' to me is giving me a bad baaaadddd feedback. See, I am so confuse. Sometimes, i reaaly feel of staying in a shell without anything or anyone with me. Just me and stones and rocks. Will be much, much easier I guess. I dont have to think whats good and wahts bed fer me and my life. The way I live, according to me. I don't have to sit and carries 'dilemma issues' with me and 'insecure issues' around me. To tell u, I am easy. Easy with people and easy with any agendas. And that is waht i dont really admire whats god has invented the inside ME. Why? Cause people tend to hurt your feeling easier and tot that you are okay with it but actually you're dying swearing inside. It's hard to be EASY. Same goes to realtionship. When you are easy, u are EASY to make stupid decisions and stupid moves that may hurt your spouse and they can EASILY left u hanging, alone. Sometimes, I was thinking of doing what i feel of doing, without thinking and without any care of people's feeling, but I am not that immature to do so. I care for whom i loves and I may do anyhing for them. All i need is sacrification and patient. For all I know, the 'new' thing fer me is not gonna happen. I wont let my people lose hope on me. I love u. To my boyfriend : Thankss baby fer understand the whole lots of me. Thanks for being a sweetheart. I love you.

much, much love!!

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