Oct 8, 2008


First of all, i kinda hate October and November. Can i die for two months and alive on December? Reasons are i have to submit tons of assignments on October and my finals is on the end of October till mid November. AND after that i can rest my ass on the comfy couch and rotting like a smelly fish. I suppose to have test this weekend,but thanks to whoever he/she was that change the schedule and make it to 20 sumting of October. Fuhhh..!! Boleh balik this week. If the test is on this weekend, meaning i cannot go home this week and also next week because Mass Commers have this Hari Raya open house on the 18th. Ermm.. I have had lots and lots and LOOTTSSS of assignments, mayynnn..!! Advertisement, press relaese, crime news, public speaking (persuasive), Human Comm (transsexual), Mass Media (Books) and i have to study for my finals too...! I can go all stress. I cudnt even remember when the last time i comb my hair and look in a mirror. I cant even think of shaving and threading. I am praactically forgetting everything about sex, too. Hehe. I used to be good at it, but im a sucker for it now, since I had missed the practise often. Joke, people. I missed hanging out with him. Nak jumpe bf pon dah takde masa dah pon. So,this week I am so gonna settle my assignments and I neeeeed to go to the hairsalon to highlight my hair. At least I plan to reward myself for something I enjoy.

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