May 4, 2008

Money..! Money..! Money..!

yeah i admit dat i am sooo craaaazy in love with money. BUT, it seems sooo hard fer me to have all d money that i want except fer my allowance tat daddy gave me every month. *sight* and its not gonna be enuff even if he rise it till few thousands. y? becoz im a BIG no--wait! HUGE spender!! like tis month, since i only have 1 week til sem break, i wish to spend my money to these :-

1: cut my hair short (cool ppl its only shoulder lenght)
2: highlite my hair (purple streaks)
3: upgrade my laptop
4: fix my phone's front cam'
5: get a new jeans
6: hit d gym
7: get HEIRESS perfume
8: manicure & pedicure (seriuosly in need)
9: wax & threading
10: get new purse........
11: ........n still thinking....

how i wish i have all d money to fullfill my need...n, i REAAALLLLYY need to go fer part time this sem breakk..yeeehaaahhh cant wait..!!!

here :- yeah, im a dollars slave..

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