Phew. I had done my Modern Issue's assignment and the presentatiom as well. Its not that perfect but i am so happy that its done. I also finally get a publication company to interview this week, that is on Thursday. After months and months of waiting, i guess this is my luck. Alhamdulillah on that.
I dont know what has gotten into me these days. I am moody, and tend to cancel everything that I had planned earlier. Because? I am not in the mood to be exrovert and to mingle. I am more with myself now and my own issue. I dont have any issue to deal with actually, its just happened to turned out that way. Wahtever. As long as Im still alive then its fine by me.
Its actually bores me to death for being a loner, but its something that I had dealt and still dealing with it since the day I was born. Im the only child, and Im fine being alone without anyone. It sucks at times but thats what and how its already stated from the beginning.
And so now, Im fine being with few trusted people, without a bf, just girls around me. As Im bigger and wiser I dont think I ever need a man on my own to live or survive. Just me and few friends that I can survive with.
And please I dont wanna die fast. Im not ready.